What Causes Disease?
What Causes Disease? highlights the true causes of disease from the common cold, to digestive issues to autoimmune diseases. When we first start to understand the root of disease, it can be difficult to accept that we are the creators of our own ill health, however it is not our fault! Sadly, because of the toxins we inherit at conception and whilst in utero, we are all born with none of our organs working at 100%. We are at a disadvantage from day zero and then there’s everything we’re exposed to after we’re born.
Many people with health issues such as cold and flus, arthritis, asthma, endometriosis, high/low blood pressure, tonsillitis, digestive issues, herpes, autoimmune diseases and cancer are led to believe that symptoms are signs that your body is turning against you. This is a disempowering narrative that takes away your options. In reality, these symptoms are incredibly helpful clues about what is going wrong under the surface. If you accept the story that external, uncontrollable influences are the reason for your health problems, you are likely to continue engaging in the same lifestyle habits that cause them.
We’re not taught the true impact that inherited toxicity, environmental toxicity, unproductive foods and ingredients have on us. This means you’re not in a position to heal yourself, and there is nothing more disempowering than the belief that you cannot help yourself. Rather than waiting and wondering what dis-ease we will develop, we’re being called to be proactive and implement measures to prevent illness from occurring in the first place. I wrote this article in order to shed light on the truth behind diseases, so that you can be fully empowered to take your health into your own hands and come out shining!
1. The chemistry of disease
One cause of disease can be associated with your bodily chemistry: in other words, your levels of acidity and alkalinity. The body depends on a balanced pH for optimal function, and blood pH should be slightly alkaline at 7.4. Although you may have concurrent inherited weaknesses, physical and emotional illness manifest through:
- Inherited toxicity developed in utero and passed down from birth
- Accumulated consumption of acid-forming foods and drinks such as ultra processed food, antibiotic filled meat, fish and dairy, alcohol, processed drinks and overly cooked foods
- Environmental toxicity from cars, planes, and household items
- Heavy metals from medication, antibiotics, vaccines and chemotherapy. Regardless of how effective these are in one’s condition, they inevitably create more acidity in the body. They can overload and burden the liver, therefore contributing to sickness
- Acid build-up through stress and unresolved trauma
All of these factors cause ‘metabolic acidosis’; triggering inflammation, which is an immune response to foreign chemistry in your body. Inflammation is beneficial in some instances, such as with a cut finger as the inflammatory process helps to block harmful microorganisms and repair the wound. However, too much inflammation in the body is the cause and advancement of all ill health.
What you eat, drink, breathe in, put on your skin and think ‘brings the outside world in’. With minimal filtration of the accompanying toxicities, this is what causes cellular degeneration, premature ageing and dis-ease. Modern lifestyles are lacking in so many of the factors that lead to overall wellness leading to the onset of many modern diseases.
2. How chronic dehydration contributes to disease
When you’re young, your body naturally has a water content of around 78%. This reduces to as low as 60% as you grow older. This doesn’t happen because it is a normal part of life. It happens because our lifestyle choices draw water from our body which causes disease.
Most people wouldn’t know they are dehydrated, because they don’t feel thirsty. However, while you may not be mentally aware of it, your body is feeling it. Dr. Fereydoon Batmanghelidj, author of “You’re Not Sick, You’re Thirsty”, tells us the number one reaction of being thirsty is not a thirst-response, it’s hunger. So most of the time when you feel hungry, you are actually thirsty.
The recommended amount of water to drink a day varies depending on factors such as health conditions, medications, activity level, and ambient temperature. The Institute of Medicine recommends a total of 3L of water each day for men, 2L for women, and 2.5L for pregnant women. According to Dr. Dhiren Gala’s book “World Best Medicine: Water”, we should be drinking between 2.5L – 6L of water per day. I am a 39 year old woman and I need at least 4L of water a day. This helps me stay alert, energised and helps to keep my bowels moving so I don’t suffer from constipation as has been an issue for me in the past.
Staying hydrated provides adequate water, sugar and oxygen to your bloodstream, ensuring your blood remains thin and flows smoothly. Having enough structured water in your blood means your blood flows easily, which is absolutely paramount in sustaining optimal health and longevity and warding off disease. It’s best to drink spring water, reverse osmosis, distilled with added minerals, or install a water filter to keep hydrated.
3. How constipation plays a big factor in disease
Most people eat their food with little thought to how the body uses it, simply because we consider it edible. Yet many things are less edible than we imagine! Eating, digestion, absorption, utilisation and elimination are ongoing and consistent processes. When one or more of these processes is impaired, the whole body suffers and results in what we call disease.
The great, late naturopath and alternative health educator Professor Arnold Ehret said, “Every disease, no matter what name it is known by Medical Science, is constipation.” In Ehret’s 1924 original print ‘Mucusless Diet Healing System’, he goes on to explain that due to the unnatural foods people are consuming, the average person continuously carries as much as four kilograms of un-eliminated faeces in their bowels. Given the kinds of ‘foods’ we consider edible in modern society, can you imagine how many extra kilograms of un-eliminated faeces people may be carrying around now?
I’ve spent a considerable amount of time water fasting between 3 to 40 days to help alleviate my health issues. After weeks of not eating solid foods, I still had daily bowel movements due to the backlog in my system. As I began to release old stools, I noticed many diseases disappearing, from joint pain to sinus congestion, to blocked ears. I finally understood the link between poor elimination and ill health.
Constipation is one of the most common issues we face, and the true enormity has not yet been fully realised. Constipation essentially clogs up your system. The acid waste that can’t be eliminated gets into our bloodstream, causing acidosis, which is the root cause of dis-ease. Clearing the colon is one the most important things you can do for vibrant health and why drinking enough water is paramount to this.
4. The overworked liver
The liver, one of the most important yet overlooked organs in our body. It bears the brunt of the toxic world we live in and is responsible for around 2000 processes, including:
- Processing fat
- Protecting the heart
- Vitamin and mineral storage
- Blood screening and filtering
- Storing glucose and glycogen
- Disarming and detaining harmful materials
- Looking after you with its own personalised immune system
Another role the liver has is filtration of toxins that get into the body. We’re all exposed to a toxicity overload from things like aluminium particles, mould in meat, microplastics, preservatives in food, and mercury in shellfish. Our poor livers are put under undue stress, which shows up as illness at some point in our lives.
Some diseases that are linked to an overworked liver are:
- Dark circles under the eyes
- Acne
- Strep
- Diabetes
- Bloating
- Gallstones
- Eczema
- Psoriasis
- Gout
- Hemorroides
- Polypes
- Celiac
- Varicose veins
- Insomnia
- Fatigue
When undetected viruses proliferate, this leads to viral issues in the body. These are labelled at ‘autoimmune’ and other chronic illnesses, when they are actually due to liver issues and acidosis. If we were taught the value of the liver from an early age, I’m certain we would do a lot more to nurture and look after this vital organ.
One of the best ways to look after your liver is by:
- Removing/reducing all plastic use from your life
- Use only natural beauty and household products
- Eat only non GMO, unsprayed and organic food when possible
- Limit medication where possible and research natural ways to alleviate sickness
- Consume real, whole food
5. An excess of protein-rich foods and protein supplements
There is a misconception that there is only good about protein and nothing bad about it; that it will help people become big and strong and no need to worry about health issues or gaining weight. Evidence states that in reality, most people are having nearly twice as much protein than they need for normal protein balance.
According to the National Library of Medicine, “Extra protein is not used efficiently by the body and may impose a metabolic burden on the bones, kidneys, and liver. Moreover, high-protein/high-meat diets may also be associated with increased risk for coronary heart disease due to intakes of saturated fat and cholesterol or even cancer.” Additionally, the excess protein people have gets broken down and either gets eliminated by your body, or, gets stored as fat. People think of protein only as muscle which isn’t the case.
Protein rich food includes all processed foods, refined and complex sugars, meat, fish, eggs, and to a lesser degree, tempeh, beans, legumes, nuts and grains, especially white rice. High protein foods, processed foods and chemical additives contain very little fibre, vitamins and minerals. Multiple studies have clearly shown that these foods – and the antibiotics and medications they contain – can disrupt gut microbiome. This leads to imbalances in gut health which is the start of conditions such as IBS, Chrohns and celiac disease.
Protein rich foods can contain a gluey property which adds to constipation, causing further disease within our body. Cereals and all flour products form mucus and acid. The worst of all is white flour because it makes a paste within your colon. This sticks to your intestinal walls, builds up mucoid plaque and forms mucus. Bran, graham, whole wheat and rye are less harmful because they have lost their sticky properties, and when toasted, even less harmful.
Protein powders are powdered forms of protein that come from plants such as soybeans, peas, rice, potatoes, or hemp and from eggs, or milk. The powders could include added sugars, artificial flavouring, thickeners, vitamins, and minerals. The amount of protein per scoop can vary from 10 to 30 grams. Many of these protein supplements are unregulated, haven’t been studied for long enough to know the long term effects, may be causing digestive distress and have an excess amount of added sugar and fat. You can learn more about the hidden dangers of protein powders at Harvard Health.
6. Parasites
Parasites are living things that use other living things – like your body – for food and a place to live. You can get them from contaminated food or water or a bug bite. Without a host, a parasite cannot live, grow, and multiply. For this reason, a parasite rarely kills its host, but it can cause issues and discomfort in the body. There are many types of parasites, and symptoms can vary widely. Sometimes, these may resemble the symptoms of other conditions, such as pneumonia or food poisoning.
Possible symptoms include:
- Rashes
- Abdominal pain
- Vomiting and diarrhoea
- Aches and pains
- Sleeping problems
Herbs are fantastic for removing parasites. There are many brands of herbs out there, but the one I’ve been using since 2021 is Ming Herbs. As I believe in their products so deeply, I’ve partnered up with them to help promote their brand and receive a small amount of commission for recommending people to them. I’ve used and continue to use the Colon Cleanse and Anti Parasite protocols when I feel I need a deeper detox. You can learn more about my partnership with them and how to purchase their products here.
7. Chemicals through medication and antibiotics
Chemicals are in medications including antibiotics, vaccinations, hormonal contraceptives and chemotherapy. They are also in additives, pesticides, herbicides and fungicides sprayed on food. Hygiene products, household cleaners, products and materials also contain chemicals. Chemicals such as petroleum are added to antibiotics, medication and vaccines. These have a pH of between 2 and 4, making them highly acidic. Regardless of how effective they are, taking these drugs inevitably create more acidity in the body, therefore contributing to disease.
Your liver, which is responsible for filtering out toxins, becomes burdened with the amount of chemicals from medications it has to deal with. According to Anthony Williams in his book Liver Rescue, ‘Even normal antibiotic use as a child can be enough to result in weakened liver by a person’s late 20s if steps aren’t taken to detox and restore the liver in the interim.’ You might never have taken antibiotics and may think – quite rightly – that you have less toxicity in you as a result. Unfortunately, this is not the case if you have consumed animal products throughout your life.
According to “What The Health”, a 2017 documentary film which critiques the health impact of industrialised animal product consumption, and questions the practices of leading health and pharmaceutical organisations, reported that 75% of the drugs that the entire pharmaceutical industry make is sold to farmers around the world. Farming animals for meat is a particularly intense process which compromises their immune system. Antibiotics are given to them for this reason. Antibiotics are also given to animals to make them grow faster as well as bigger as they promote weight gain. When we consume mass produced animal products, we are also consuming the drugs that were in their system, therefore increasing our chance of disease.
8. Stress and unresolved trauma
Modern lives can be stressful, and many of us carry unresolved trauma. Both negatively affect our Central Nervous (CNS) System and Autonomic Nervous System (ANS). Please know that it is 100% OK to feel negative emotions. They are a normal part of being a human and in many cases, can actually be a catalyst for change. The problem arises when we don’t acknowledge and process these emotions. When this happens, they become stored within the cells. Over time, this build up of unresolved emotions becomes acidic, which causes inflammation, resulting in many diseases we find ourselves suffering from.
Some recommendations for starting the healing journey
It cannot be denied that despite much evolution in wellness education and technologies, over the last 40 years there has been a steady decline in the health of the world’s population. We are accustomed to viewing disease of all kinds as ‘just a part of life’. And it will be if our diets and lifestyles are predominantly made up of toxic, acidic and mucus-forming foods and substances. It is time we took our power back, but sometimes just deciding where to start is daunting. Here are some practical steps you can take to improve your health:
Meditation comes from the Tibetan word gom, which means to ‘become familiar with’. It is a timeless practice used to observe and understand our state of mind. It’s a practice of self-observation and self-development that involves becoming familiar with our thoughts, emotions, actions, and behaviours. When we meditate, the conditioned self comes to the present moment, allowing us to see the perceptions we hold about ourselves. It shows us the patterns and habits of our mind, enabling us to take personal responsibility for what we are creating and for the seeds we are sowing. You can learn more about meditation and access thousands of free meditations here.
For the past 150 years, the majority of the population’s diet includes many foods and commonly consumed chemicals that damage the human body. This includes a huge increase in processed foods, steroid injected meat, GMO foods and pasteurised dairy. Unfortunately, many remain unaware of this because of the persistent narratives and marketing that support consumption of these foods. In all of these cases, the industries that promote these foods profit. They are sold to us as the healthiest or safest options. This couldn’t be further from the truth as they absolutely contribute to disease in many forms.
Eat real, whole food
The best way to approach food is to make sure it’s real, whole food. Real whole food refers to foods that are unrefined, unprocessed, and do not contain added ingredients such as salt, simple carbohydrates, or fat. Examples of real whole food include:
- Water
- Fruits
- Vegetables – raw and steamed
- Whole grains – Items containing wheat must say ‘whole wheat’, not just ‘wheat’ by itself.
- Sprouted legumes
- Sprouted nuts
- Sprouted seeds
- Natural sweeteners
- Unpastrirised dairy
- Wild-caught fish
- Grass-fed meat and organic poultry to ensure there are no added toxins
Remove/reduce processed food such as
- Refined grains such as white flour or white rice
- Refined or artificial sweeteners. One of the most dangerous ingredients we can eat is processed sugar which you can read in my article
- Any products with man made chemicals in
- Factory-farmed meat as these will be injected with steroids and antibiotics
- Unpasteurised milk and dairy
- Deep-fried foods
- Fast food
- Alcohol
The 80/20 guideline
This may seem daunting so I like to recommend the 80/20 guideline. 80% of the time, consume real, whole food and drink, and 20% of the time, consume items from the list above. Consuming small amounts of these items isn’t the problem, but most people are consuming a majority of the above items and little to no real, whole foods. This increase in unnatural, processed food is the reason we have seen a rise in chronic disease in the last 40 years.
Medication, antibiotics and Hormonal contraception
There may be a time and a place for certain medication and antibiotics but long term use of them invariably contributes to disease. The best way to avoid medications is by getting to the root cause of a disease so you never have to take the medication in the first place. This is done through addressing lifestyle changes by way of diet, toxicity exposure and dealing with emotional trauma. If you are already on medication for a disease but wish to stop, addressing your diet and lifestyle is the key.
Taking hormonal contraception has far more dangers than we previously believed and has been linked to many diseases such as depression, digestive issues, infertility and cancer. To learn more about the dangers of hormonal contraception, along with alternative options for birth control methods, please read my article ‘Is the Pill good for our overall health and wellbeing?’.
Household and self care products
Start using plant-based beauty/home/cleaning products, and avoid ingredients such as sodium lauryl/laureth sulphate, talc, mineral oil, aluminium, glycol and anything containing the letters ‘prop’ e.g. propyl, propamine, isopropyl, propanol and propylene.
In the last few years, vaccines have been at the forefront of people’s attention and sadly, have caused quite a divide in the collective. I’ve spent the best part of these last few years learning more about vaccines and to be honest, I was shocked at what I was uncovering. As such, I felt more than just a paragraph needed to be dedicated to this topic, so I have written an accompanying article ‘Vaccine Safety and Effectiveness: A Deep Dive’. This presents everything I know about vaccines with the intention for you to be able to make an informed decision about whether you wish to take vaccines in the future. As well as this, you are are also welcome to read another article ‘How to Detox Heavy Metals’ to kick start your detox.