Living Foods: A Comprehensive Guide

Introduction The concept of consuming a diet primarily consisting of ‘raw’ or ‘living’ foods has existed for centuries. Despite its well-documented health benefits, this dietary approach hasn’t gained the widespread adoption it deserves. This limited acceptance likely stems from pervasive media marketing and cultural conditioning—most of us have grown up consuming predominantly cooked food, making…

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Your Living Medicine: The Power of Menstrual Blood

The Significance of Menstrual Blood Your menstrual blood pulses with life-giving potential, carrying within it both ancient wisdom and modern scientific marvels. Far beyond its biological function, this vital essence serves as living medicine – a monthly reminder of your body’s extraordinary regenerative powers. Often misunderstood and shrouded in stigma, menstrual blood represents one of…

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The Science and Practice of Fasting: A Comprehensive Guide

A clock on a plate with a knife and fork on the side to indicate fasting

Introduction Our modern lifestyle, characterised by three large meals plus snacks daily and increasingly sedentary behaviour, stands in stark contrast to our ancestors’ eating patterns. This shift in dietary habits has contributed significantly to an unprecedented rise in lifestyle diseases over the past four decades. While it may be challenging to accept, we often play…

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The Sun Does Not Cause Skin Cancer

The sun in the sky

Introduction Over the past four decades, skin cancer rates have risen dramatically in fair-skinned populations across Europe, North America, and Oceania, outpacing all other cancer types. Whilst conventional wisdom has long held that sun exposure is the primary culprit, leading to widespread recommendations for reduced sun exposure, emerging research suggests a more nuanced relationship between…

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The Biology of Belief

Introduction The human body comprises approximately 40-50 trillion cells, each containing its own immune and reproductive system. Every cell performs thousands of tasks, from energy production to protein synthesis and environmental response. Different cell types serve specialised functions, such as forming skin or bone, secreting hormones, or producing antibodies. Until recently, the scientific community adhered…

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The Healing Effects of Walking Barefoot

Earthing, or grounding therapy, offers a profound connection to the Earth’s natural energy—a practice that nurtures both body and soul. Whilst this ancient technique resonates deeply with spiritual traditions celebrating our connection to Mother Earth, modern science has begun to uncover the remarkable physiological benefits that explain its effectiveness. Understanding Our Connection to Earth Our…

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